Monday, January 7, 2008

Bringing in 2008

Sorry for taking so long to post. I’ve been watching the site meter so I know people are stopping by. I’d love to give a good excuse for why I haven’t been writing…but quite frankly I don’t have one. There’s just been too much crap going on. Work (whatever!)…Holiday’s (nice!)...New Years (I’m a jackass!). In fact a friend of mine reminded me of that fact this morning…that I’m a complete Jackass that it’s nice to see that some things haven’t changed despite the fact that the last digit in the calendar has.

However it is a new year… 2008…holy shit! Actually…it’s the first Monday of the New Year and quite frankly there’s a lot to talk about.

New Hampshire Primaries
I don’t mean to start off with politics but seeing as how it’s now officially an election year, I’m gonna go there. So…Iowa was certainly a bit of a surprise. Can’t say that I’m overly disappointed, but it was a surprise nonetheless. Right now Hilary is getting waxed! When I say waxed…I don’t mean literally. Quite frankly if Hilary had a Brazilian...I think Bill would have stayed home that night. That’s speculation on my part, but nonetheless she’s sliding down the poles like a Vegas college student. And that makes me happy. About the only thing politically speaking that I like less than Hilary is the thought of Hilary as president…although that’s recently been replaced by the thought of Hilary getting waxed. Christ! Equally scary...can you imagine Bill as first lady? If I was an intern I would be asking if they hand out free condoms at the White House health center. So that leaves us with Barrack Obama. Although I realize it’s very early, Barrack is looking strong. I’m reading his book right now because I realized I know nothing about the guy. Seems very intelligent...fairly reasonable. I have to say...I just don’t know. He speaks a moderate tone but he smells very very liberal to me. On the other side we have Huckabee and Romney. I’ll preface all this by saying that I am a republican...a very moderate republican...but even as a republican I have to say this group scares the shit out of me. We’re talking the religious right here. I mean these guys are right of right...conservative conservatives. I’ve got nothing against religion…I just don’t want it pushed on me and quite frankly I don’t know that it has an official place in the White House. I also believe in a women’s right to choose and that if two people love each other and desire to cohabitate for all eternity…they outta get the goddamn tax break...regardless of whether or not those two people are of the same sex. Can someone please explain to me why gay marriage is a federal issue? I’ll stop there…

NFL Playoffs
Two words…Sea - hawks!! Big game on Saturday. It’s interesting living in this frozen fucking land that I now call home. That would be Minneapolis since I’ve probably never mentioned it before. This past weekend the temperature got above freezing for the first time in six weeks. What’s even scarier is that fact that I put on a t-shirt, went outside, and was like, “Wow...kinda nice out today!” Regardless...there’s a shit ton of Packer fans that reside in Minnesota and most of them seem to work in my office. I think the NFC is wide open...and I do think the Patriots are beatable. I just don’t think anyone will beat them. I also have to confess that I have kind of a man crush on Tom Brady. I mean...really...I give credit where credit is due. The guy is a stud. He’s the best quarterback in the NFL…he’s quite possibly the best clutch quarterback in the history of the game. He’s a good looking guy, who simultaneously comes across as a relatively cool guy. He dates actresses and models...I mean…he goes from Bridgette Moynihan to Gisele…yeah’ve got some game. And you don’t see his face plastered all over every billboard in America despite the fact that he could probably go that route if he was so inclined. I like the guy. I’ts hard not to admire people who are really fucking good at what they do, and he’s pretty damn good.

Roger Clemens
Not that it maters, but I’ve been saying that baseball should be looking at pitchers for over three years. And that’s specifically because of Roger Clemens. I’m a sports guy...I want to believe in heroes as much as the next person. I like lance Armstrong, but trust me, he’s guilty. And I think Roger is too. The sad thing is its becoming very hard to believe in amazing feats of sporting achievement if you’re a rationale human being. In the case of Clemons, even on just a circumstantial basis, he’s very suspect. Let’s see…playing one of the most physically demanding positions in all of sports, the guy starts displaying an unprecedented level of dominance 5 years removed from the age when most pitchers begin to fill out AARP cards. Oh yeah…that and his entire physique changed. Go back and look at his early Boston days…yeah he was pretty big...but he’s a hell of a lot bigger now and we’re not talking a 41 year old gut. And then the whole Mike Wallace thing last night…Roger just shut the fuck up. Why would McNamee lie about all this? He’s got no motive to do so and your own people have leaked that you failed a lie detector go plead the 5th and hope to Christ hall voters are feeling charitable when your name comes up.

McDonalds Coffee Bars
Did you guys see this? The Wall Street Journal announced today that McDonald’s plans to implement coffee bars (with Baristas) in all of 14,000 of its restaurants in the U.S. Apparently they’re trying to compete with Starbucks...on what level I have no idea. I’ll take a super-sized pumpkin spiced McLatte...skinny…with a splash of special sauce. Just a dabble on the top…it’s just for flavor!

Charlie Wilson’s War: Fantastic! Philip Seymore Hoffman...unbelievable! Remember when he played “George” in scent of a woman?

I haven’t seen any other movies although I’ve heard No Country for Old Men is great. I may go check that out this week. I did watch The Notebook last week for the first time and I just stopped crying about ten minutes ago.

Arcade Fire’s new album Neon bible...outstanding! Can anyone explain the album website to me? It’s a very cool but I can’t say I get it. I’m in the mood to blow up iTunes this week so if anyone has suggestions, let me know.

There’s a lot more I could talk about but I’ll stop for now. Happy New Year to everyone! Sorry again for the long hiatus, but I’m back in the swing of things now and plan to be more diligent about writing.


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